Monday, October 3, 2011

2 Months In...

Well today marks two months into my experience here in South Korea. It is really hard to believe it's already been 2 months.

It's beginning to feel like Fall here. The daytime temperatures have been in the 60s, but the nights are getting considerably cooler than they were a few weeks ago. Within the next few weeks I anticipate much cooler weather. I'm excited to see what fall looks like in Korea. Although there are many evergreens, there are still plenty of deciduous trees that will hopefully turn to beautiful colors. The weather was perfect a couple weeks ago, high 70s, dry and clear. It reminded me of Spring at Sonoma State, the kind of days when I would take one step out of my dorm to head to class and decide it's too nice a day to be inside a classroom. That week made me feel extremely nostalgic for the Sonoma Valley, so much so it almost hurt. It was hard spending 10 hours at school on those days when I would have much rather sat outside reading and drinking some iced coffee.

Last weekend I returned to Bogyeongsa with some friends. I had no problem revisiting the beautiful, old temple and hiking along the canyon and waterfalls. I decided to hike further up the canyon rather than swim in the pools (I also refrained from jumping/slipping off the rocks!). I'm glad I did, because after hiking for about a mile and a half, it became extremely quiet, leaving the crowds behind, and I really felt like I was experiencing Korea's nature. I've posted some photos from that hike onto my shutterfly account.

Here's a video of Bogyeongsa:

This last Saturday I drove to the town of Andong with some friends. We were fortunate enough to have two friends with cars, so ten of us carpooled there instead of taking a bus. Andong was having a mask festival, and it sounded like a cultural experience worth having. It was located at their fairgrounds, and felt very much like a festival in the states. They had lots of food stands, typical games like throwing baseballs at stacked bottles, and live performances of traditional korean dancing and drumming. We spent a few hours there, then headed to a traditional village 30 minutes away for a fire/fireworks show!

At this fire/fireworks show, they threw flaming barrels of hay off a high cliff, all landing in the same spot, creating a gigantic fire. They also floated candles down the river, and had a fireworks display at the end. It was quite beautiful. Unfortunately, we had no idea what the meaning or significance was for throwing the flaming hay barrels off the cliffs. That's when it comes in handy to have Korean friends!

Here is a video of the mask festival and fire show:

I must admit, I'm coming to realize that I really don't love my job. I can't say I hate it by any means, but it leaves me feeling so exhausted! Teaching is the kind of job that requires constant positive energy by the teacher, especially with the young students, and some days it is such a struggle for me to be peppy and upbeat. I hope I adjust to these long hours eventually, because otherwise it'll be a tough year. On the flipside, I have been making a good effort to spend my free time doing great things. I'm still playing soccer every Tuesday night and loving it. I helped start a discussion group for Thursday nights where we sit around at a cafe and talk about anything from current events, politics, philosophy, literature, etc. We are calling it the Socrates Club. I found a rock climbing gym and a few people who are interested in climbing, so I'm hoping to start climbing this week. I've also started learning how to drive a scooter. I don't think I'll end up buying one, especially with the cold weather coming soon. But I have three friends who have scooters and have offered to let me borrow theirs if I need (and I think they're also hoping I can become their designated driver!). It's definitely a little nerve-wracking driving a scooter, but I'll soon get used to it.

My friends and I are starting to plan our holiday trip to Cambodia. As I have done some research on the country, I have become EXTREMELY excited! If you're wondering why, read

To my friends and family in the States, I miss you terribly.

Be well.