Sunday, April 15, 2012

Update since my last...

I know my last blog painted a pretty dreary picture of my life at work. I appreciate all the great words of encouragement that were sent my way by friends and family. I thought I would write an update on how things are since I last posted.

Unfortunately, many aspects at work continue to be hard and unhappy. Our directors continue to try to add more to our workload, and are considering making us stay an extra 35 minutes every night (making it a 10.5 hr day). We will have a meeting on Tuesday, and all 5 of us English teachers plan on putting our foot down and taking a very firm stance on not extending our hours.

Fortunately, things with my difficult students have improved. My two kinders who used to drive me up the wall daily have gotten much better. They still need to improve a fair amount, but I'm thrilled about the progress they have made thus far. I can now give equal attention to all of my students.  :-)

The best thing that has happened to me in the last few weeks has been springtime arriving! The last few weekends have had temperatures in the low 70s, the cherry blossoms have been blooming, we've been playing at the beach and finding any excuse to take joy rides on our scooters. My weekends have suddenly been packed with activities because the sunshine and warmth is waking people up out of their winter hibernation. It seems that during winter, the only thing most people can find to do is get drunk. I'm glad to see people partaking in other things nowadays!

Although it's depressing to think of another 3 and a half months at my job, I have spring and summer to look forward to, followed by a trip to probably Malaysia on my way home at the end of July. Good things are happening, and I have a lot to be grateful for.

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